We are a ROLEPLAY and RESIDENTIAL sim. We are not a combat or sex sim, although these may occur in the context of roleplay.
Avatars must be at least 7 days of age to enter, and must wear a Woodcrest group tag to avoid automatic ejection.
Please read our rules and guidelines to help you to engage in the fullest experience both for yourself and for others. Infractions may result in a temporary suspension or permanent ban.
Woodcrest General Sim Rules
The Golden Rule - Be respectful and do only what enhances everyone's fun.
Do not confuse In-Character (IC) with Out-of-Character (OOC).
Roleplay should be (OOC) voluntary and consensual between main parties involved, and should exercise discretion for what is appropriate to others around you.
You must be willing to roleplay the consequences of your actions without power-playing or god-modding.
Roleplay is about being responsive to one another, enhancing other people's stories. If you're here only for your own story, you may be better off simply writing a book.
We are an Adult sim and a Real World setting.
All players and avatars must be 18+ years of age to enter the sim.​
Avatars must maintain a fully realistic human appearance.
Respect the Linden Labs' Terms of Service (TOS) and Community Standards. In addition to suspension and ban, violations will result in abuse reports.
No Woodcrest group may be used to promote off-sim activities or events without permission from the admins.
No messaging people for sex. Messaging or trying to hit on them in an instant message is a bad form of RP and is considered OOC Harassment, also in violation of Linden Labs' Community Standards.