Woodcrest Code of Conduct
1. BE ACCOMMODATING to various levels and styles of RP (roleplay). Woodcrest welcomes all levels of experience, languages, and a variety of play styles. Experienced RPers should help set the tone through example, but do not belittle or exasperate others with an elitist attitude.
2. BE INCLUSIVE: a rule of thumb is to meet, greet and converse in local chat. IMs can exclude others, and if unsolicited and persistent, they may qualify as harassment. There are, of course exceptions. Judicious use of IMs may be a good way to welcome shy players in crowded local chats, or those outside of chat range; but respect their wishes if they want you to stop.
3. RESPECT LIMITS: You may not force a scenario or effect on a character whose player does not wish to participate. When in doubt, communicate in OOC what is acceptable.
On the other hand, players may not opt out of a public event without leaving the area.
You may crash your car, but no significant sim damage is allowed (widespread fires, large explosions, etc.) without approval from sim staff.
Use DISCRETION for what roleplay goes public, whether in local or group chat. Even if those directly involved are consenting, disruptive or darker scenarios may be uncomfortable to many who become indirectly involved (e.g. disrupting a teacher in a class doesn't simply affect the teacher; it affects everyone else in attendance also). Take such things into private RPs, or preface your events with an OOC trigger warning.
IC scenes we will NOT allow in public include excessive/gruesome violence (no mass shootings); slurs based on race/ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation and identity. Actually, don’t do the slurs in private either, please. There are some real-world things that we simply don’t need.
4. DO NOT ESCALATE DRAMA. Or create it in the first place, if you can help it. Drama is not simply the presence of conflict, but about how you respond to conflict. Seek constructive resolutions. Do not spread harm to any player’s reputation. Slander, OOC insults and other forms of toxicity will not be tolerated.
5. DO NOT DISTURB: Shouts, dancers and gestures should enhance roleplay, not replace or disrupt roleplay. Use gestures in moderation; avoid excessive use of gestures, or gestures that crowd local chat. OOC shouts are forbidden. GRIEFING, TROLLING, BEGGING for Lindens, or SPAM (e.g. promoting your products/off-sim events without admin approval) are grounds for ejection and ban.
6. DO NOT DISRUPT: interrupting or disrupting scheduled events on the calendar, including classes, requires the prior consent and/or collaboration with the instructor or event coordinator in charge. Just because many will be good sports and play along and have fun with your medical emergency or criminal activity, it does not justify the OOC rudeness to those who may have spent hours preparing.
7. NO TRESPASSING: do not enter private rentals without permission from the resident. Do not sit to bypass locked doors. Locks are there for a reason.
8. WEAR YOUR APPROPRIATE WOODCREST GROUP TAG: Don’t hide your status. If you go AFK, please move to the welcome zone or a private area, or at least put on your OOC tag and/or an AWAY/AFK label. Take off your OOC tag before you rejoin RP.
9. HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOR. Don’t take yourself too seriously and complain when things don’t go your way. RP is the joy of shared creation and the intermeshing of different and often unexpected things. It’s not about “me” - it’s about “us.”
10. STAFF ARE HERE TO HELP. Please be polite and patient with them. They are human, and may be deluged with a dozen IMs at once while simultaneously trying to fix a technical issue, in addition to having to handle Real Life. This means they may not get back to you, or even see your request, for a while. They want to RP with you, but often can’t be the most attentive to local chat.